Beach access stairs repaired
The Beach access stairs at E. Shell Lane and E. Barefoot Pl. have been repaired. It was a long process due to changes in the permitting process in our county and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection regarding emergency repairs, the requirement to re-engineer both sets of steps and the backlog of available contractors due to the large amount of tornado damage in Vero Beach. Thanks to Dockside Builders for coming to our rescue when few other showed interest in the job. Thanks to Bill Stoddard of Schulke, Bittle and Stoddard, LLC for the engineering designs and to Steve Melchiori, John Finn and Michael Flax for working with the contractors to get them on board and get the job done to our satisfaction.
The members approved $20,000 from the reserve fund for the stair repairs at the last annual meeting and the project came in under budget at $16,889.85.
All three access stairs are functional. Enjoy!
The SIA Board of Directors