An Executive Session of the Summerplace Improvement Association, Inc. Board was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2017. The meeting took place at the home of SIA member Dave Courage.
Attending: SIA President and Ex-Officio Chair of the Board Walter Garrard, Board members Mary Beasman, Dave Courage, Bart Heikes and Chuck Pickard.
SIA members: Nancy Beeh, Lil Fox, Van Gainous, George and Bobbi Geier, Carol and Phil Glade, Joel Graff, Debbie Kelcey, John Lehnhardt, Joe Nutt, Matt and Corine Quickel, Billie Thompson, Haidee Williams, Dave and Diane Wolfram.
- Prior to convening the Executive Session of the SIA Board to appoint a new director to the Board, president Walter Garrard reminded those present that Article IV Section 2 of the SIA By-laws stipulates:
- In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors for any reason whatsoever, the remaining directors shall appoint a member to serve as director for the unexpired term.
- As such, Walter advised those present they may observe the Board’s deliberations regarding the appointment of a member to fill the current opening on the Board. But this decision is solely that of the Board and does not involve member input or participation.
- Walter noted this is an appointment and not an election. All motions and discussions will be strictly among the Board members; and thanked those in attendance for their cooperation.
- Executive Session Agenda
-Walter opened the Executive Session of the SIA Board at 4:40 p.m. He explained the meeting would begin by asking Board members for their nominations of SIA members in good standing to be considered for appointment to the Board.-For each nomination put forth, a motion and a second would be required per Roberts Rules of Order. Followed by Board discussion and then, a vote by the Board to appoint an SIA member in good standing to fill the current vacancy on the SIA Board.
- Executive Session of the Board
-Walter called for a nomination from the Board of a SIA member in good standing to be considered for appointment to the Board. Bart Heikes made a motion to nominate Craig Colligan. This motion was seconded by Dave Courage. Discussion followed regarding Craig’s qualifications to serve on the Board.-Following this discussion, Walter asked if there was another nomination. Chuck Pickard made a motion to nominate Michael Flax. This motion was seconded by Dave Courage. Discussion ensued regarding Michael’s qualifications to serve on the Board.
-Following this second discussion, Walter asked if there were any additional nominations from the Board. With no further nominations, Walter called the vote and requested that Board members vote by a show of hands.
-Walter announced the vote stating the minutes show that Craig Colligan was appointed to the Board by a unanimous vote of the Board members.*
- Adjournment
With no further business, the Executive Session of the Board was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
Craig Colligan and his wife Teri initially purchased a cottage on W. Shell Lane in 2013 and renovated this as their weekend home. Two years later, they purchased a second cottage, also on W. Shell Lane, and began a complete renovation in anticipation of retiring to Summerplace in 2017. Craig retired several months ago following a 30-year career as a firefighter and paramedic, the last 15 years as a Captain. Craig is here 4-5 days a week, overseeing the last of the renovations, as he and Teri prepare to move into their Summerplace home in August. We are pleased to welcome Craig to the SIA Board. Craig brings extensive management experience, as well as first-hand knowledge of construction and local contractors to the Board.