Following the annual meeting on November 18, 2017, the newly elected SIA, Inc. Board of Directors met at the home of David Courage. Present were Mary Beasman, Craig Colligan, Dave Courage, Walter Garrard and Bart Heikes.
Dave Courage began the meeting by nominating Walter Garrard as SIA President for another term. Those present approved this nomination with a unanimous vote of support for Walter and his leadership.
With Walter confirmed as President this opened a vacancy on the Board and the opportunity for the remaining Board Directors to appoint a new director. Walter will continue as President of the Board and Ex-Officio Chairman of the Board, through the end of his term in November 2018.
Only the current board directors participate in this process; unlike the nominating process and election each fall. Per SIA by-laws: In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors for any reason whatsoever, the remaining directors shall appoint a member to serve as director for the unexpired term. (Article IV Section II)
With Walter presiding over the meeting, several SIA members were suggested for consideration of appointment to the Board. Following discussion, the members of the Board agreed more time was necessary to review the qualification of those proposed for the Board. The Board will meet at a later date to discuss the qualifications of these proposed candidates in depth and vote to appoint a new director to the Board.
Mary Beasman advised the Board that she has discussed with Walter the growing volume of work handled by the Secretary of the Board. The SIA by-laws provide for assistants to the officers of the Board as deemed necessary (Article III, Section 1). It was decided that an assistant would be appointed to help with meeting minutes, major mailings and the process to secure and update member information.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beasman, Secretary
Minutes of Annual Meeting
November 18, 2017
The annual meeting of the Summerplace Improvement Association, Inc. was held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 19, 2016 at 1820 E. Barefoot Place, the home of David Courage.
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. by SIA, Inc. President Walter Garrard who welcomed those SIA members present and noted the following new members who purchased properties in SIA during 2017:
Bob Connolly – 1900 W. Shell Lane
Walter noted that many of the Board’s interviews with prospective SIA members are done by phone conference now due to travel and/or work commitments. Bob was in Singapore, a 13-hour time difference from Summerplace, when he and Walter finally connected by phone after 10:00 p.m. EST. Bob knows this area well as his father resides in Sea Oats and his grandfather lives in Sebastian. With his recommendations received and his closing the next day, Walter completed the new member process and interviewed Bob over the phone.
Helen and Bruce Haughey – 1811 E. Barefoot Place
Debbie Kelsey and Lee Anne Phillips – 1940 W. Shell Lane
Frances Loerzel – 1981 W. Barefoot Place
Ann and Ed Seeman – 1960 W. Barefoot Place
Amanda and Richard Stalford – 1920 W. Shell Lane
Diane and Doug Yelencesics – 1860 E. Shell Lane
Calling of the Roll
Secretary Mary Beasman called the roll and announced a quorum to be present either in person or by proxy and certified all proxies for voting.
Proof of notice of meeting
Proof of Notice of the Meeting was presented to President Walter Garrard.
Report of Officers
SIA 2017 Financial Statements and 2018 Budget: Walter Garrard
Walter summarized the SIA financial statements distributed with the annual mailing and
reviewed the updated income statement of expenses and income through October 31,
2017. These recent expenses totaled approximately $12,000 and included annual mailing
expenses, the SIA monthly trimming, the annual trimming and the fall road grading and this year,
adding fill to the roads following 5 years of deferred maintenance due to lack of funding. No
expenses were incurred for removal of hurricane debris as the County took care of this eventually.
Any remaining clean-up of the roads was part of the SIA annual trimming at no additional charge.
Walter noted the 2017 financials reflect the limited voluntary deferred expenditure account set aside that made it possible to update the SIA website, repair a damaged SIA boundary fence and add fill to the roads this fall. This account was previously approved by the membership to provide funding for association emergencies or unplanned expenses without having to do a separate assessment in the event of a significant financial expense, such as losing the stairs during a major hurricane.
Discussion of 2018 Budget: Walter review the 2018 budget which includes planning for capital improvements and preparing for deferred maintenance issues coming up, such as repair SIA boundary fence on W. Barefoot that has been damaged.
2018 SIA Annual Dues: Based on the anticipated expenditures in 2018, annual dues for 2018 are $300 per SIA property.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2018 budget Additional discussion regarding the 2017 Budget concerned legal costs. Walter advised no legal fees were incurred pertaining to the current lawsuit as our SIA insurance covers these expenses. Following the discussion, the Board voted unanimously to approve 2018 budget.
Annual Dues Invoice: Walter indicated all SIA members received an invoice for the 2018 annual dues as part of the Annual Mailing in Section II (Financial information). All dues are payable by January 1, 2018. Thank you to those who have already paid their 2018 annual dues.
President’s Report: Walter Garrard
Legal Update: Walter advised the lawsuit filed against SIA and several SIA members by an SIA property owner remains ongoing, He read the following statement from our SIA defense attorneys addressing this:
The lawsuit filed against SIA Inc. and several SIA members three years ago by an SIA property owner continues to be in litigation. As you are aware, all information regarding this lawsuit remains privileged and confidential. Defendants named in the lawsuit are not able to discuss the details of either the lawsuit or the ongoing litigation. Additionally, as your attorneys, we strongly advise against any SIA member having contact with the plaintiff or his workers. This case is being handled through the courts and could be seriously jeopardized by anyone not adhering to this counsel.
Walter thanked all SIA members for their understanding and patience regarding this situation.
SIA Website: Walter encouraged all members to use the SIA website for
convenient access to Notices, Minutes, SIA governing documents, etc. Members can receive an email
notice of board meetings and new postings on the website by following directions on the right side of
the Home page to enter your email and clicking on the submit button to send. For additional
information on the SIA website, see the handout at the end of these minutes.
Walter thanked Lil Miller Fox who has volunteered in setting up and maintaining the SIA website
since it was established in 2012.
SIA Volunteers: Walter thanked all SIA members for the clean-up of their properties following Hurricane Irma and the subsequent “no name” storm in October. Additionally, he thanked those members who were available throughout the year to assist with maintenance crews, filling potholes during the rainy season, etc.
Appreciation: Walter advised that Chuck Pickard resigned as chair of the SIA maintenance committee effective July 31, 2017. On behalf of SIA, Walter expressed appreciation to Chuck for his many years of service to our community and presented him with a token of thanks for his many years as chair of the SIA maintenance committee.
5. Committee Reports
Architectural Review Committee: ARC Committee Chair Van Ganious reported the following:
The only major construction in SIA this year was the Dlugosz home along the cul de sac on W. Shell. Construction was completed in late August – early September. We appreciate the Dluglsz having their side of the street repaired following this construction.
Congratulations to Craig and Teri Colligan for completing the renovation of a second cottage on W. Shell. Renovations continue on several other homes throughout SIA.
Updates to the SIA Architectural Guidelines: At the request of the Board, the ARC reviewed several suggested updates to the SIA Architectural Guidelines. The ARC unanimously recommended to the Board that each of the suggestions be adopted. The Board discussed the recommendations of the ARC and unanimously approved the following additions to the current SIA Architectural Guidelines, effective January 1, 2018.
Fences: The Board unanimously accepted the recommendation of the ARC effective January 1, 2018, that all new fences constructed in SIA should have the finished side facing the neighboring property or properties. Note: Fences already in place within SIA will be grandfathered.
New Construction and Road Deposits: The Board unanimously accepted the recommendation of the ARC that the current road deposit of $1,000 include Board, the $1,000 the deposit will cover completion of new construction and Board approval of the road condition following construction. This deposit will be used to restore the road to its original condition as necessary. As appropriate, this deposit is refundable contingent on Board approval of the condition of the road and receipt of a copy of the County’s Certificate of Occupancy (CO).
Road Deposit for Major Exterior Renovation or Repair of an SIA Structure: The Board unanimously accepted the recommendation of the ARC effective January 1, 2018, that a $1,000 road deposit will be required for any major exterior renovation, repair or construction to an existing SIA property or structure. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, a new addition, a new garage, the addition of a swimming pool, a new roof (excluding replacement of current roof covering), etc. As approved by the Board, effective January 1, 2018, this deposit will be used to restore the road to its original condition as necessary. As appropriate, this deposit is refundable contingent on the property owner providing the Board with a copy of the County inspection and approval of the renovation or construction; and the Board approving the condition of the road following the renovation, repair, or construction to the exterior of an existing structure or property.
Maintenance Committee: Walter Garrard advised that by a unanimous vote of the Board on October 19, 2017, maintenance concerns within SIA are now handled by a volunteer Block Captain designated for each SIA street as follows:
E. Shell Lane: Michael Flax
W. Shell Lane: Craig Colligan
E. Barefoot Place: Dave Courage
W. Barefoot Place: Matt Quickel
E. Pebble Path: Phil Glade
Basic Maintenance: Each Block Captain is the contact for residents on their street regarding minor maintenance concerns about SIA property. These concerns are handled directly by each Block Captain with assistance as needed from residents on the street or the other Block Captains.
Major Maintenance issues, Emergency Maintenance, Annual Maintenance Projects: The Blok Captains will refer these maintenance issues to the Board to address and authorize prior to proceeding. Per SIA By-Laws, the Board is responsible for all operation and maintenance of SIA common properties. Additionally, the Board’s jurisdiction includes the purchase and sale of all supplies and all articles used by the Association, all persons employed by the association; and all contracts.
Maintenance Expenses: Lastly, all SIA expenditures, including those for maintenance, require Board approval and receipts or invoices for expenses. Two forms are attached for your convenience: one is for expenses under $25 and the second form is for estimates of any expenses over $25. Expenses over $25 require prior approval by the Board in advance of monies being expended. Payment is contingent on receiving receipts or invoices for all expenses incurred in advance of payment.
Maintenance Report: Dave Courage noted the Board approved repair and replacement of a damaged section of perimeter fencing on the north side of E. Pebble Path. In accordance with Florida State Statute 720, three estimates were obtained from licensed and insured contractors. After review of the three bids, Five Star Fencing was selected for this project and completed the work in a satisfactory manner.
Dave thanked those volunteers who on August 26, 2017, trimmed and raked the beach accesses at
E. Barefoot and E. Shell and the Block Captain on E. Pebble Path who had previously trimmed and
cleaned the beach access there. Following the maintenance crew, two volunteers inspected the
three SIA beach stairs and tightened the bolts in advance of the active months of hurricane season.
Dave indicated we cannot be sure that this action saved our stairs from Hurricane Irma’s fury, but
the only damaged sustained by the storm was slight with a brace from the Pebble Path stairs
coming loose. This was retrieved from the beach and replaced by volunteers.
Also related to Hurricane Irma, Dave recognized the First Responders from W. Barefoot who
removed a large sea grape that had fallen across the E. Barefoot beach access gate making it
inaccessible; and dragged the debris away from the access.
Annual Trimming: Additionally, Dave expressed thanks to Walter Garrard for submitting a timely
application to the County requesting their assistance in removing the landscaping debris following
the hurricane. Following the County removing the bulk of the hurricane landscape debris, Cabrera
Landscaping completed the Annual Trimming of the SIA roads, beach accesses and cul de sacs. At no
additional charge, the sides of the roads were hand raked of residue hurricane debris in preparation
for road grading and fill as needed.
Grading of the SIA Roads: Dave reported the Board meeting on September 28, 2017 included an
extensive discussion of grading and adding fill to all 5 SIA streets to address five years of differed
maintenance due to lack of funding. Several different options were reviewed, and the Board voted
voted to grade and add 14 loads of shell coquina rock fill as follows: the west roads would receive
4 loads each and the east roads two loads each with the option of additional loads of fill as
necessary. Ultimately the east roads required two additional loads of fill. All roads were graded,
filled, regraded and rolled twice. The results of the road restoration has received appreciative
comments from SIA members. Dave noted this project was accomplished through the deferred
expenditure account that makes it possible to fund unexpected projects such as this without
requiring an assessment from the membership. On behalf of the Board, Dave thanked Walter for
the foresight in budgeting to accomplish this.
E. Shell Lane cul de sac: Michael Flax expressed concern regarding the cul de sac on E. Shell
that was redone following the removal of an invasive Australian pine in the cul de sac. The
Australian pine was taken down, as were several others throughout SIA, due to the state-wide
requirement to remove any invasive species already growing on properties. Unfortunately, the E.
Shell cul de sac was replanted, and railroad ties added around the border with neither the Board
nor residents of the cul de sac being consulted on decisions regarding this area, including a
decision to reject the donation of three cabbage palms from Jim Lewin to replace the Australian
pine, the use of non-drought tolerant plantings and the addition of the railroad ties. During
discussion, Haidee Williams advised all SIA cul de sacs were established by the residents who live
on the cul de sacs. Additionally, these residents maintain their cul de sacs year- round except for
any major trimming which is done during the SIA annual trimming each fall. A motion was made,
seconded and approved for the residents of the E. Shell Lane cul de sac to propose a plan to the
Board regarding the landscape and the tending of the cul de sac. Discussion included the
importance of using only drought and salt tolerant plantings in this area.
Nominating Committee: Nominating Committee Chair John Lehnhardt thanked the members of the Committee for their commitment, especially as the nominating process was interrupted this by Hurricane Irma this year. As a result, all business was conducted by phone and/or email. John noted three additional candidates were on the ballot this year and complimented all the candidates on the bios they provided.
6. Unfinished Business
SIA Membership Directory: At the Board meeting on June 20, 2017, a request was made that a
membership directory be provided to all members with name, address, telephone number and email
address for all members. This subject was deferred to discussion at the annual meeting.
It was noted that our attorneys advise caution in proceeding with an SIA membership directory that
includes the telephone numbers and email addresses of members since a published membership list
becomes public information and would be available in any legal records request. Additionally. any
published member information would available to any solicitor who had knowledge of the list.
To confirm with Florida Statute 720 regarding membership directories, before proceeding, all HOA
members must receive a consent form and indicate on this form whether they give permission for
their telephone number and email address to be published in the directory; and sign the form. These
forms must be returned to the Association and kept on file. The following information regarding
these state requirements was distributed to SIA members at the meeting:
Florida Statute 720 Regarding HOA Membership Directories
720.303 Section 4: Official Records Under item 5: Inspection and Copying of Records
( c ) Introductory paragraph concludes with: Notwithstanding this paragraph, the following records are not accessible to members or parcel owners:
5. Social security numbers, driver license numbers, credit card numbers, electronic mailing addresses, telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, emergency contact information, any addresses for a parcel owner other than as provided for association notice requirements, and other personal identifying information of any person, excluding the person’s name, parcel designation, mailing address, and property address. Notwithstanding the restrictions in this subparagraph, an association may print and distribute to parcel owners a directory containing the name, parcel address, and all telephone numbers of each parcel owner. However, an owner may exclude his or her telephone numbers from the directory by so requesting in writing to the association. An owner may consent in writing to the disclosure of other contact information described in this subparagraph.
In subsequent discussion, it was clarified that an SIA member may opt out of being listed in the
membership directory and that the membership directory would not be available on the SIA
website. Following discussion, by a majority vote, the members present at the meeting voted to
proceed with a membership directory. Walter advised work on the required membership information
form would begin in the New Year. Once drafted, this form would be reviewed by legal counsel
before being to mailed SIA members.
7. New Business
Annual Meeting Refreshments: Walter thanked Patty Garrard for providing the refreshments
at the meeting. Additionally, he thanked Dave Courage for once again hosting the SIA annual
Ballot Count: A ballot count was conducted, and the following 2018 SIA Board Directors were elected:
Mary Beasman, Craig Colligan, Dave Courage, Walter Garrard and Bart Heikes.
With no further new business, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beasman, Secretary
Website Address:
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1. UNDER Photo on Home Page are pull down menus for Architectural Guidelines, Governing Documents, Archived Minutes and Contact Us
2. LEFT SIDE of the Home Page has News and Announcements, including Board Minutes for the current year
3. RIGHT SIDE of the Home Page includes the following:
SUBSCRIBE: To receive an email notification of new postings on the website, follow directions to enter your email and click on the submit button to send
RECENT POSTS: The five most recent postings on the website
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