To: SIA Members
From: Walter Garrard, President SIA
Date: June 2017
Notice of 2017 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Summerplace Improvement Association will take place this year on Saturday, November 18, 2017. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us. Details regarding the 2017Annual Meeting will be sent to all SIA members in the fall.
Check out the Summerplace Improvement Association, Inc. Upgraded website
The SIA Board of Directors upgraded the association website to allow compatibility with the latest internet browsers, ease of usage and expanded storage. These upgrades allow easily accessible archiving of required documents, including deed restrictions, bylaws, architectural guidelines and minutes of Board meetings.
Please visit the website at:
The SIA Board of Directors encourages participation in the association
The SIA Board of Directors Is excited by renewed interest of members to volunteer for service on the board and association committees. I removed myself as a Board director at the June 20, 2017 Board meeting; remaining on as president through the end of my term in November. This opened a vacancy on the Board for the remaining Board directors to appoint a new director. Unlike the annual election for the Board of Directors in the fall when all SIA members have the opportunity to vote, SIA By-Laws require an opening on the Board is filled through an appointment by the Board Directors:
In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors for any reason whatsoever, the remaining directors shall appoint a member to serve as director for the unexpired term. (Article IV Section 2)
By unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, Craig Colligan was appointed to fill this vacancy on the SIA Board at the June 20th meeting.
Craig and his wife Teri initially purchased a cottage on W. Shell Lane in 2013 and renovated this as their weekend home. Two years later, they purchased a second cottage, also on W. Shell Lane, and began a complete renovation in anticipation of retiring to Summerplace in 2017. Craig retired several months ago following a 30-year career as a firefighter and paramedic, the last 15 years as a Captain. Craig is here 4-5 days a week, overseeing the last of the renovations, as he and Teri prepare to move into their Summerplace home in August. We are pleased to welcome Craig to the SIA Board. Craig brings extensive management experience, as well as first-hand knowledge of construction and local contractors to the Board.
Additionally, Steve Mechiori was appointed to the Architectural Review Committee at the June 20, 2017 meeting and Crary Lauer will be appointed to the ARC at the next board meeting.
Call for Nominations
Details on how to participate in your association are provided in the enclosed 2017 Call for Nominations from John Lehnhardt, Chair of the Nominating Committee. This memo from John provides any SIA member with the opportunity to express their interest in being considered by the Nominating Committee as a candidate for the SIA Board of Directors.
Please contact John with any questions on this process or to discuss your interest in serving on the SIA Board.
With best wishes for an enjoyable summer.