Attending: SIA Board President John Lehnhardt, Board members Mary Beasman, Bart Heikes and Steve Melchiori, SIA member Andy Dlugosz
John Lehnhardt called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
1. Presidents Report
New Business
a. Review of proposed Rental Registration for SIA property owners who rent their properties
SIA Board President John Lehnhardt noted the proposed SIA Rental Registration Form is to provide the Board a means to track rentals within our community; and to ensure both SIA members renting their properties and renters within SIA understand the SIA rental guidelines and the general community rules. Following discussion, the proposed SIA rental registration form was approved by a unanimous vote of the Board. This form will be required for each individual rental within SIA, effective July 1, 2019. Each SIA property owner renting an SIA property will be required to complete and return the SIA Rental Registration form to John two weeks in advance of the start of every rental period. The form will be sent to all SIA members in the annual June Mailing. John will follow up with SIA members who rent property with our community.
b. 2019 SIA Nominating Committee appointments
John announced Ed Seeman will chair the 2019 Nominating Committee. Ed has prior experience as a member and president of an HOA in Atlanta. He and his wife Anne reside seasonally at 1960 W. Barefoot Place. Joining Ed on the 2019 Nominating Committee are Jean Etzel, Carol Glade and Lee Anne Philips. Information on the SIA nominating process and details for any SIA member interested in being on the 2019 slate of Board candidates will be included in the annual June Mailing.
c. Approval of June 2019 membership mailing materials
The Board discussed the June 2019 mailing which will include the following the following three documents:
i. A letter from Board President John Lehnhardt announcing the date of the 2019 Annual Meeting (November 16, 2019) and the 2019 call for nominations, plus information on the SIA Rental Registration Form.
ii. A copy of the SIA Rental Registration Form
iii. A letter from Nominating Committee Chair Ed Seeman with information on the qualifications for candidates interested in serving on the SIA Board, details on the nominating process and a candidate information form to be completed and returned to the Committee by those SIA members interested in being on the 2019 slate of Board candidates.
2. Committee Reports
a. Maintenance Update
As the current SIA Maintenance Chair, John provided the following updates on current maintenance projects:
i. The E. Shell beach stairs are open for use while awaiting the required railings. Pending the fabrications of the railings, work on the stairs is scheduled to be done by June 1, 2019. A required county inspection of the stairs will take place once all work is completed.
ii. The E. Shell cul de sac has been planted with numerous beach berry plantings. A Geiger tree will be added to the cul de sac and complete the landscaping of this area. Both Michael Flax and Dave Wolfram have agreed to water the new plantings until these are established.
iii. The E. Shell walkway and railing to the dune crossover will be painted with deck paint to improve the appearance of these areas.
b. Architectural Review Committee Update
i. John informed the Board that hardie board is being added to a section of the second story of the Graff property at 1841 E. Shell Lane. This follows Mrs. Graff reaching out to the Board for assistance in addressing the requirement of an exterior with a wood-like appearance on homes within SIA. John noted the ARC approved this addition of hardie board as meeting the requirement of an exterior with a wood-like appearance. Additionally, this will fulfill the Mediation Settlement Agreement with the late Joel Graff that had been pending since 2011.
ii. John advised Van Gainous has stepped down as chair of the ARC. The Board expressed appreciation to Van for serving as ARC chair.
iii. John announced Lil Miller Fox will serve as ARC chair. Members of the ARC include Crary Lauer, Steve Melchiori, and John Lehnhardt, ex-offico
c. Repair of the SIA website and Updates of Information on the website
i. John reminded SIA members the SIA website at is the main source of Board communication with all SIA members, together with the community bulletin board, centrally located at the A1A end of E. Barefoot place.
ii. Following technical issues with the website, it is now possible to post information from the Board on the Home Page of the website. All SIA members are advised to use the email notification to receive notice of new postings on the SIA website ( This notification service is located on the top right side of the homepage of the website under the “Subscribe” heading.
iii. John indicated technical issues remain with the SIA website. The next step is a technical review and renovation as necessary to allow updating of the additional sections of the website. Andy Dlugosz suggested contacting a local college regarding hiring a student trained in technology to assist with this.
7. Other
The Board discussed several complaints received recently concerning parking violations within SIA. A suggestion was made that the Board issue parking stickers to all SIA vehicles. However, in discussion the Board agreed there is generally good compliance with the SIA Parking Guidelines available on the SIA website ( under the Update section of Governing Documents. SIA neighbors are usually able to work out any parking problem such as blocking a driveway or parking in the cul de sac. The majority of those in violation of these parking regulations tend to be non-members unaware of the SIA parking guidelines The Board will review the SIA Parking Guidelines and determine if there are reasonable measures that will help address parking concerns.
With no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beasman, Secretary
1 Comment. Leave new
Great idea for the rental properties! If the parking problem is by a SIA resident, would it be possible to contact that individual directly to request compliance? I sometimes park on my street, and if that is a problem, I’d like to know so I can remedy it. Thanks for all you are doing!! HW