Hey all,
I want to make our SIA members aware of a new Neighborhood Watch group has been formed in the non-SIA portion of Summerplace.
Attached is the two page statement from the group that is being distributed to the non-SIA addresses in Summerplace. Just click on the links below for each page.
SIA is not a participant in this group as we do not allow STVRs (defined as less than 30 day stays) and have a rental registration policy and SIA rules to govern rentals.
However, we do know that STVRs outside of SIA do have an impact on us within SIA.
If you suspect that a member of SIA is renting as an STVR, or if you are having problems with a renter within SIA, please contact an SIA Board member first before calling the police or code enforcement.
If you are having trouble with renters from outside SIA on SIA property, please contact an SIA Board member and we will help to resolve the issue or determine that police or code enforcement are needed.
Please contact any SIA Board member if you have any questions.
The SIA Board of Directors